Do Gamers Have a Higher IQ?

With the rise of technology and its integration into our daily lives, gaming has become a popular form of entertainment for people of all ages. From casual mobile games to competitive e-sports, gaming has evolved into a multi-billion dollar industry. However, there is still a debate surrounding the impact of gaming on cognitive abilities, particularly intelligence. Some argue that gaming can improve one’s IQ, while others believe it has no effect or even hinders cognitive development. In this article, we will delve deeper into this topic and explore the relationship between gaming and IQ.

Introduction to Gaming and IQ:

Before we dive deeper into the relationship between gaming and IQ, let’s first define what IQ is and why gaming has become such a popular form of entertainment. IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient, which is a measure of one’s cognitive abilities, including reasoning, problem-solving, and memory. It is often used as an indicator of academic success and overall intelligence.

On the other hand, gaming refers to playing video games, whether on a computer, console, or mobile device. With the advancement of technology, gaming has transcended from being a simple pastime for children to a mainstream form of entertainment for people of all ages. The global gaming market was estimated to be worth $159.3 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $200 billion by 2023 (Newzoo, 2020).

However, with the increasing popularity of gaming, there has been a debate surrounding its impact on cognitive abilities, particularly IQ. Some argue that gaming can enhance one’s IQ, while others believe it can have a detrimental effect. In the following sections, we will explore both sides of the argument and examine the evidence supporting each perspective.

The Positive Effects of Gaming on IQ:

Let’s start with the potential positive effects of gaming on IQ. Many experts and researchers suggest that gaming can improve one’s cognitive abilities and, therefore, positively impact one’s IQ. Here are some ways in which gaming may have a positive influence on IQ.

Improves Problem-Solving Skills:

One of the most significant benefits of gaming is its ability to improve problem-solving skills. Most video games involve solving puzzles, completing challenges, and overcoming obstacles to progress through the game. This requires the player to think critically and come up with solutions to move forward. As a result, gamers develop better problem-solving skills and become more adept at finding creative solutions to complex problems.

In a study conducted by Queen Mary University of London, researchers found that playing video games that require strategic planning and decision-making can improve problem-solving skills (Queen Mary University of London, 2019). This is because gaming requires players to think ahead and anticipate the consequences of their actions, which are essential skills in problem-solving.

Enhances Spatial Awareness and Memory:

Another potential benefit of gaming on IQ is its ability to enhance spatial awareness and memory. Many video games, especially action games, involve navigating through complex environments and remembering specific locations. This requires good spatial awareness and memory, which can be improved through regular gaming.

A study published in the journal PLoS ONE found that playing action video games can improve spatial abilities, particularly mental rotation and target localization (Feng et al., 2007). Mental rotation is the ability to visualize and rotate objects mentally, while target localization is the ability to identify an object’s location accurately. Both of these skills are crucial for tasks such as reading maps, driving, and even performing surgery.

Boosts Multitasking Abilities:

In today’s fast-paced world, multitasking has become an essential skill. Gaming involves various tasks, such as controlling characters, managing inventory, and following instructions simultaneously. As a result, gamers develop better multitasking abilities, which can have a positive impact on their IQ.

A study conducted by the University of California, San Francisco, found that playing video games that require rapid switching between tasks improves multitasking abilities (Green & Bavelier, 2006). This can also transfer to real-life situations, where individuals may need to switch between tasks quickly and efficiently.

The Negative Effects of Gaming on IQ:

While there are potential benefits of gaming on IQ, there are also some negative effects to consider. Let’s take a look at how excessive gaming can have a detrimental impact on cognitive abilities and ultimately lower one’s IQ.

Can Be Addictive and Lead to Lower IQ:

One of the most significant concerns surrounding gaming is its addictive nature. Gaming addiction, also known as “internet gaming disorder,” has been recognized as a mental health disorder by the World Health Organization (WHO) (World Health Organization, 2018). Those with gaming addiction often prioritize gaming over other important tasks, such as school or work, which can ultimately lead to a lower IQ.

Studies have shown that gaming addiction can impact various cognitive abilities, including attention, impulsivity, and decision-making (Dong et al., 2013). This is because excessive gaming can cause structural changes in the brain, particularly in the regions responsible for emotional regulation and decision-making. As a result, individuals with gaming addiction may struggle with impulse control and making rational decisions, which can negatively impact their IQ.

Causes Distraction and Reduced Focus:

Another negative effect of gaming on IQ is its potential to cause distractions and reduce focus. With the constant stimulation and fast-paced nature of video games, it can be challenging to switch back to real-life tasks that require sustained attention and concentration. This can be especially detrimental for students who spend hours gaming instead of studying, leading to poor academic performance and lower IQ scores.

A study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that excessive screen time, including gaming, was associated with increased distractibility and reduced ability to self-regulate (McHale & Crouter, 2000). This suggests that too much gaming can hinder one’s ability to focus and concentrate on important tasks, impacting their IQ.

Encourages Sedentary Behavior and Lack of Physical Activity:

As mentioned earlier, gaming has become a popular form of entertainment for people of all ages. However, this has also led to an increase in sedentary behavior, particularly among children and adolescents. Excessive gaming can lead to long periods of sitting and a lack of physical activity, which can have a detrimental effect on cognitive abilities and IQ.

A study conducted by the University of Glasgow found that children who spent more time in sedentary activities, including screen time, had lower scores on tests of cognitive ability (Biddle et al., 2004). This is because physical activity helps to stimulate the brain and promote cognitive development. Therefore, a lack of physical activity due to excessive gaming can negatively impact one’s IQ.

Factors Affecting the Impact of Gaming on IQ:

After examining both the positive and negative effects of gaming on IQ, it’s essential to note that the impact of gaming may vary from person to person. There are several factors that can influence how gaming affects one’s IQ, including:

Type of Game:

The type of game an individual plays can play a significant role in its impact on IQ. For example, puzzle or strategy games have been found to improve problem-solving skills, while action games can enhance spatial awareness and memory. On the other hand, excessively playing violent video games has been linked to aggression and reduced cognitive abilities (Anderson et al., 2010). Therefore, the type of game one plays can determine whether it has a positive or negative impact on their IQ.

Duration of Gaming Sessions:

The duration of gaming sessions can also affect the impact of gaming on IQ. Playing for short periods has been found to have a positive effect on cognitive abilities, while playing for prolonged periods can lead to distractions, reduced focus, and even addiction. Experts recommend limiting gaming sessions to no more than two hours per day to prevent potential negative effects on IQ (Granic et al., 2014).

Age and Developmental Stage:

Another factor that can influence the impact of gaming on IQ is age and developmental stage. Young children’s brains are still developing, and excessive gaming can interfere with this process and negatively impact cognitive abilities. In contrast, adults’ brains are more mature, and gaming may have a different effect on their cognitive abilities. Therefore, the age and developmental stage of an individual can play a role in how gaming affects IQ.

Socioeconomic Status:

Research has shown that socioeconomic status (SES) can also play a significant role in the impact of gaming on IQ. Studies have found that children from low-income families may be more vulnerable to negative effects of gaming, such as addictive behaviors and lower academic performance (Lemmens et al., 2011). This is because they may have limited access to resources and support systems that can help mitigate the negative effects of excessive gaming.

Personal Factors:

Lastly, personal factors such as motivation, self-control, and pre-existing mental health conditions can also influence how gaming affects IQ. For example, individuals with high levels of motivation and self-control may be less likely to develop gaming addiction or experience negative impacts on their cognitive abilities. Similarly, those with pre-existing mental health conditions, such as ADHD or depression, may be more susceptible to the negative effects of excessive gaming on IQ.

Debunking Common Myths About Gaming and IQ:

Before we conclude this article, let’s take a moment to debunk some common myths surrounding gaming and IQ. These myths often contribute to the debate and misconceptions about the relationship between the two, so it’s essential to address them.

Myth #1: Gamers are Less Intelligent than Non-Gamers:

One of the most prevalent myths about gaming is that gamers are less intelligent than non-gamers. However, there is no evidence to support this claim. In fact, studies have shown that playing video games can improve cognitive abilities and may even enhance intelligence in some cases. Therefore, the notion that gamers are less intelligent than non-gamers is simply not true.

Myth #2: Playing Violent Video Games Makes You More Aggressive and Lowers Your IQ:

Another common myth is that playing violent video games makes individuals more aggressive and, therefore, lowers their IQ. While it’s true that violent video games have been linked to aggression, there is no evidence to suggest that it can lower one’s IQ. In fact, some studies have found that certain types of action games can actually improve cognitive abilities.

Myth #3: Gaming is Only Beneficial for Children and Not Adults:

Lastly, there is a misconception that gaming is only beneficial for children and not adults. However, as we have seen in this article, gaming can have both positive and negative effects on cognitive abilities, regardless of age. Adults may benefit from improved problem-solving skills and multitasking abilities, while they may also experience negative effects if they spend excessive time gaming.


In conclusion, the relationship between gaming and IQ is a complex and ongoing topic of debate. While there is evidence to support the positive effects of gaming on cognitive abilities and IQ, there are also potential negative impacts to consider. The most important factor to keep in mind is moderation and balance. As with any activity, excessive gaming can have detrimental effects on cognitive abilities and, ultimately, lower one’s IQ. Therefore, it’s essential to find a healthy balance and limit gaming sessions to prevent potential negative impacts. Additionally, further research is needed to gain a better understanding of how gaming affects IQ and the factors that influence this relationship.

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